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    Correlation between Preoperative Biometry and Posterior Chamber Phakic Visian Implantable Collamer Lens Vaulting Lee DH, Choi SH, Chung ES, Chung TY(Ophthalmology. 2012)


    Risk factor evaluation for cataract development in patients with low vaulting after phakic intraocular lens implantation Maeng HS, Chung TY, Lee DH, Chung ES (J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011 )

    Comparison of refractive changes after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and penetrating keratoplasty for keratoconus Kim KH, Choi SH, Ahn K, Chung ES, Chung TY (Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2011 )

    Reproducibility of LASIK Flap Thickness Using the Zeiss Femtosecond Laser Measured Postoperatively by Optical Coherence Tomography Ju WK, Lee JH, Chung TY, Chung ES (J Refract Surg. 2011 )

    Comparison of the Torie Implantable Collamer Lens and Bioptics for Myopic Astigmatism Choi SH, Lee MO, Chung ES, Chung TY(J Refract Surg. 2011)


    Long-term efficacy and rotational stabili ty ofN:.rySof toric intraocular lens implantation in cataract surgery Kim MH, Chung TY, Chung ES (Korean J Ophthalmol. 2010)

    A comparison of posterior lamellar keratoplasty modalities: DLEK vs. DSEK Yi CH, Lee DH, Chung ES, Chung TY (Korean J Ophthalmol. 2010)

    Axial growth and binocular function following bilateral lensectomy and scleral fixation of an intraocular lens in nontraumatic ectopia lentis Park SC, Chung ES, Chung TY, Kim SA Oh SY (Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2010)


    Contribution of macrophages to angiogenesis induced by vascular endothelial growth factor receptor·3-specific ligands Chung ES, Chauhan SK, Nakao S, Hafezi·Moqhadam A van Rooijen N, Zhang Q, Chen L, Dana R (Am J Pathol. 2009)

    Regulation of blood vessel versus lymphatic vessel growth in the cornea Chung ES, Saban DR, Chauhan SK, Dana R (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009)

    Changes in iridocorneal angle structure and trabecular pigmentation with STAAR implantable collamer lens during 2 years Chung TY, Park SC, Lee MO, Ahn K, Chung ES (J Refract Surg. 2009)

    Radial extension of capsulorhexis in true exfoliation patient: a potentially hazardous complication Kim KH, Chung ES, Chung TY (J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009)


    Clinical outcomes of surgical techniques in congenital cataracts Kim KH, Ahn K, Chung ES, Chung TY (Korean J Ophthalmol. 2008)

    Clinical evaluation of accommodative intraocular lens implantation in high myopic eyes Kim JH, Park CS, Chung TY, Chung ES (Korean J Ophthalmol. 2008)

    Pichia anomala fungal keratitis Park KA, Ahn K, Chung ES, Chung TY (Cornea. 2008)

    Case report: femtosecond laser-assisted small incision deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty Lee DH, Chung TY, Chung ES, Az.ar DT (Korean J Ophthalmol. 2008)


    Deep anterior lame llar keratoplasty in Korean patients with Avelli no dystrophy Park KA, Ki CS, Chung ES, Chung TY (Cornea. 2007)

    Homozygous granular corneal dystrophy type II (Avellino corneal dystrophy): natural history and progression after treatment Moon JW, Kim SW, Kim Tl, Cristol SM, Chung ES, Kim EK

    Ultrasound biomicroscopy for determining visian implantable contact lens length in phakic IOL implantation Choi KH, Chung SE, Chung TY, Chung ES (J Refract Surg. 2007)

    Comparative analysis of postoperative changes in higher order aberrations following LASIK and laser thermal keratoplasty Lee HW, Park SC, Park OW, Chung TY, Chung ES (J Refract Surg. 2007)

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    Oral alcohol administration disturbs tear film and ocular surface. Kim JH, Kim JH, Nam WH, Yi K, Choi DG, Hyon JY, Wee WR, Shin YJ (Ophthalmology. 2012 May;119(5):965-71.)


    Contralateral lateral rectus recession versus recess-resect for recurrent exotropia after unilateral recess-resect. Kim JH, Kim HJ, Choi DG (Br J Ophthalmol. 2013 Jun;97(6):752-6.)

    Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness of Superior Segmental Optic Hypoplasia and Normal-Tension Glaucoma.JH Kim, SH Kang, JH Park, K Yi (J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2013;54(2):331-337.)


    Changes of the Meibomian Gland According to Age in the Normal Korean Population. JH Kim, JW Ro, K Yi et al (J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2015;56(1):13-18.)


    Assessment of Transepidermal Water Loss From the Ocular Area in Dry Eye Disease. Jeon HS, Youn SW, Jeon HE, Kim JH, Hyon JY (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Sep 1;57(11):4831-4836.)


    Correlations between Tear Osmolarity and Ocular and Systemic Parameters in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome. DY Yoon, JH Kim, HS Jeon, WR Wee, JY Hyon (J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2017;58(8):903-910.)


    Effect of Histocompatibility Y Antigen Matching on Graft Survival in Primary Penetrating Keratoplasty

    MJ Kim, JH Kim, HS Jeon, WR Wee, JY Hyon (Cornea. 2018 Jan;37(1):33-38.)

이민규 원장

1:1 진료 관찰 및 수술로
환자 맞춤 시력교정

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    Ankyloblepharon Filiforme Adnatum : a Case Report. Kong MG, Lee MG, Kim JH, Lee JH, Woo KI, Kim YD. (J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2013 ;54(4):659-61.)


    Macular retinal ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness in patients on hydroxychloroquine therapy. Lee MG, Kim SJ, Ham DI, Kang SW, Kee C, Lee J, Cha HS, Koh EM. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Nov 25;56(1):396-402.)

    Clinical Manifestations and Risk Factors of Ocular Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD) after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Lee MG, Bae JH, Lim DH, Chung ES, Chung TY. (J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2014 ;55(7):969-77.)

    Two Cases of Actinomyces Infection in a Hydroxyapatite Orbital Implant with a Motility Peg. Lee MG, Woo KI, Kim YD. (J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2014 ;55(5):755-60.)

    Clinical results of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation in eyes with low anterior chamber depth. Lim DH, Lee MG, Chung ES, Chung TY. (Am J Ophthalmol. 2014 Sep;158(3):447-54.e1.)

    Korean patients taking α1-adrenergic receptor antagonists show lower incidence of intraoperative floppy iris syndrome than western patients. Lim DH, Lee MG, Chung TY, Chung ES. (Br J Ophthalmol. 2014 Apr;98(4):479-83.)


    Second-Eye Refractive Error Depending on the Reflection Rate of First-Eye Refractive Error in Cataract Surgeries. Eo DR, Lim DH, Hyun J, Choi JH, Lee MG, Chung ES, Chung TY. (J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2016 ;57(3):399-404.)


    Frequency and Clinical Characteristics of Hydroxychloroquine Retinopathy in Korean Patients with Rheumatologic Diseases. Eo DR, Lee MG, Ham DI, Kang SW, Lee J, Cha HS, Koh E, Kim SJ. (J Korean Med Sci. 2017 Mar;32(3):522-527.)


    ssociation between the Frequency of Optic Disk Hemorrhage and Progression of NTG Related with the Initial Location of RNFL Defect. Cho HK, Lee MG, Kee C. (Ophthalmic Res. 2018;60(3):152-160.)

    Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Did Not Change in Long-term Hydroxychloroquine Users. Lee EJ, Kim SJ, Han JC, Eo DR, Lee MG, Ham DI, Kang SW, Kee C, Lee J, Cha HS, Koh EM. (Korean J Ophthalmol. 2018 Dec;32(6):459-469.)

김성희 원장

수술 후
경과 관찰 시스템 운영

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    Clinical Characteristics of Sclerosing Pseudotumor of the Orbit Seong Hee Kim , Yoon Duck Kim , Duck Young Sun (J Korean Opthalmol, Soc Vol.41, No.10, 2000)

    A Case of Human Amniotic Membrane Transplantation for the Treatment of Overhanging Bleb Seong Hee Kim , Chang Won Kee (J Korean Opthalmol Soc Vol.41, No.8,2000)

    Treatment of Late Bleb Leak with Human Amniotic Membrane Transplantation Seong Hee Kim , Sang Il Choi , Chang Won Kee (J Korean Opthalmol Soc Vol.41, No.4,  2000)

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